Happy Math Chess Program Registration
Please answer the following questions before selecting a class and sending payment.
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Email Address *
Please provide the email address you wish to be contacted for class announcements.
Phone Number *
In case of emergency, please provide the phone number we can best reach you at.
Child's Full Name *
What grade is your child in? *
Please read the following and select a class time: *
Happy Math chess classes are sectioned based on your child's skill level (chess rating). If your child has participated in any Manitoba Scholastic events, you can find their rating here:

Depending on registration, the level of some classes is subject to change. Throughout the term we may recommend a class change if the teacher believes your child is ready for the next level. Please contact Theo if you have any questions on which level you should place your child in.

The below class options contain the day, class time, rating range, and teacher. Classes with a star (*) are taught online only via zoom.
Please select a payment method. *

Classes are $30.00 + GST per class. The total term cost for your selected day can be found below.

Monday Classes: 18 weeks = $567.00
Wednesday Classes: 19 weeks = $598.50
Saturday Classes: 18 weeks = $567.00

  • E-transfers are sent to happymath1900@gmail.com with the cost selected above.
  • Please include your child's name and class time in the messages (Example: child's name - Saturday 10-11 chess class).
  • Must be paid in person before the start of class.
  • Cheques can be addressed to "Happy Math" with the cost selected above.  
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