Albion Area Fair Queen and Jr. Miss Application
Application Deadline: July 10, 2024
Fair Queen Applicants must:
Be a female between ages 16 and 20 as of June 1st  of the year entering the local contest, reside in Pennsylvania, and have an entry in any department of the Albion Fair.
Be single, never married, have not been pregnant nor given birth to a child.
May not have previously held the title of Fair Queen (local or Pa State) or hold any other title for another commodity group or pageant including another local fair queen during her reign as Albion Fair Queen or Jr. Miss.
Must act in accordance to with the Pa Fair Queen Behavior Policy as well as the Dress Code set forth by the Pa Fair Queen Program.

Jr. Miss Applicants must:
Be a female between ages 12 and 15 as of June 1 of the year entering the local contest, and reside in the Northwestern School District.
Have parental consent to participate in the Jr, Miss Pageant.
Must act in accordance to with the Pa Fair Queen Behavior Policy as well as the Dress Code set forth by the Pa Fair Queen Program.

Both Albion Area Fair Queen contestants and Jr, Miss contestants are expected to participate in fair week commitments as well as other commitments that happen after fair week and throughout the year.
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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone *
Age on June 1st 2024: *
Name of Parent or Guardian *
School Activities/Interests *
Facebook Account and any other social media name *
I will be competing for: *
Any food allergies
By initialing below you agree to abide by the state and local rules as they appear on this form as well as in the fair book for this year. You are also giving permission for your child’s photograph to be used in fair programs and ads as well as social media posts by the Albion Fair and Fair Queen Program. Parent/guardian initials:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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