2025 NPhA House of Delegates Sign-Up
The NPhA Speaker of the House is excited to announce the opportunity to bring progressive and effective representation to the NPhA House of Delegates taking place at the 78th Annual Convention, hosted August 1- 4, 2025 in Cincinnati, OH.

The House of Delegates is the decision-making body responsible for the approval of NPhA's professional policies, resolutions, and bylaw revisions, ensuring that NPhA remains on the cutting edge of pharmacy practice for underserved communities while amplifying the voices of Black and minorities in pharmacy professionals.

If you would like to make your voice heard, please sign up to volunteer as a NPhA Delegate today!
Name *
Email *
Alternate Email (enter N/A if none) *
Select the current zone in which you reside. *
What delegation will you represent in the House? *
Affiliation (Chapter Name or Member At-Large)
City, State *
Have you served as a NPhA Delegate in the past?
Is your NPhA Membership currently active? (Please remember, your membership must be active prior to the House of Delegates sessions in order to serve). *
If appointed, I acknowledge and understand that my commitment lasts until the next appointment of delegates (approximately one year). During this time, I may be called upon to convene ad hoc or special sessions of the House and am willing to fulfill this commitment. *
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