Mason County Career & College Readiness Activities Survey
Please complete this survey of Mason County educators, practitioners, counselors and other youth development professionals.
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First Name:
Last Name:
What Organization/Institution/Business do you primarily work for/with
What age(s) of audience do you work with? (check all that apply) *
If you are an educator, what free or low-cost student support services are available for your audience(s) at or near your institution? *
Of the student support services that are not offered at your institution, check three (3) that you would most like to see? *
What Career Readiness Activities do you personally lead/teach/oversee for the audience(s) you work with? *
What College Readiness Activities do you personally lead/teach/oversee for the audience(s) you work with? *
What additional ideas do you believe would have a high impact on your audience's college and career readiness?
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