HMT Production Assistant Application
Positions - Production Assistant, Assistant Stage Mgr., Assistant Music Director, Dance Captain, etc. 

Must be 13 or older and have participated in at least three prior HMT shows, or, by invitation.
(At HMT, we consider our age guidelines to be just that, guidelines. If you feel you are ready for
a position and you meet the criteria other than age, please apply.)

Email *
Full name *
Age *
What school do you attend? *
Student's Email *
Student's Phone Number *
Guardian's Email  if over 18 Emergency contact *
Guardian's Phone Number  if over 18 Emergency contact *
Name your three most recent performances with HMT.
Name any “backstage” production experience, including shows outside of HMT.
Please name the show you are applying to PA. 
List any conflicts you may have with rehearsals and performances.
Please write a brief paragraph telling us why you would like to be a Production Assistant. Keep it short and try to tell us something that you think we should know about you.
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