Party Inquiry Form 
Thank you for you interest in having a party with us! We promise you a good time! 

Please fill out the questions below so that we can better assist you when booking your event.

We have two locations now! Feel free to request one if you have a preference. However, your party size and our availability might affect which space we can offer you. 

All of our parties include a champagne toast at the end! We require a 5 person minimum and the maximum depends on the space you choose. You get to choose the length of your party, and pricing goes as followed:

- 1 hour ($50 per person)
- 1.5 hors ($75 per person) 
- 2 hours ($100 per person)
*To reserve your party you will need to pay a down payment of the cost of 5 people, which will depend of the length you choose. The rest will get billed the day of the party based on how many people attend.

Thank you again! We are excited to celebrate with you!
Email *
What kind of class are you interested in? Select all that apply, as we can combine some of these.  *
How long would you like your party to last? *
Do you have a specific date or dates in mind? *
Give us an idea of what days and times you would prefer *
Preferred Location *
Are you celebrating something we should know about? *
How did you hear about us? *
Anything else you would like to add?
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