Request Prayers for Sick or Deceased
Use this form to report specifics on prayer requests for persons who are sick,  injured, or deceased. Please use both upper- and lower-case letters. Where possible, we will copy and paste the information into the appropriate notice.

For brevity, questions refer to "sick"; however, "deceased" also applies.
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Information About You
Please tell us who you are. We cannot accept truly anonymous submissions. However, if you wish to remain anonymous in publications, you can request to do so.

Before your submission is accepted, we may ask you to confirm your submission by responding to an email message. The email will be manually processed. It may not show up in your mail box right away.

We will acknowledge every request by email. If you do not see an email from us, please check your "junk" mail folder to see if it might be there.
Security Check *
Type a word or phrase you will remember. The confirmation email we send may ask you to re-enter this. It's inconvenient, but it insures that you are the same person who submitted the information. False submissions may be referred to civil authorities. Your IP address will be logged. A minimum of 6 characters with at least one letter and one number is required.
Anonymous Submission *
If you would like to have your identity remain anonymous, check "Yes" and any publication will not connect you with this report. Otherwise, we will use your name at our discretion when publishing on a web site or other media. We will NEVER publish your email or phone number.
Your Last Name *
Remember: Upper- and lower-case letters. Include any suffix, such as "Jr."
Your First Name *
You may wish to include an initial, if needed.
Your Email Address *
Your email privacy will be protected. Your email address will be used only if we have to contact you.
Your Phone Number *
Include area code. No spaces, dashes, periods. Just numbers like 7135551212.
Category *
Identify your relationship to this archdiocesan ministry of permanent deacons.
Comments About You
Make any other comments about yourself you feel may be helpful to us.
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