Way of Council Training, Aquinta 2023
Bem-vind@! Welcome!

Thank you for joining us for the Council Training, Aquinta
3th – 5th November 2023 organised in partnership with RockCircleSky.

We ask of you some information that will assist us in preparing for this training and go toward co-creating optimum conditions with you.
(your email and data will not be shared beside this purpose).

Vemo-nos em breve!
See you soon!
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Email *
What name do you go by? *
How many turns around the sun (your age)?
We would like to share your e-mail address with other participants joining the training. We do this for any ride-share and group-share after the training. Are you ok with this? *
What is your contact phone number? (include country code) *
Which location/country are you travelling from? *
Aquinta is located a few km south of Sao Luis town, Odemira. Directions info will follow on sign-up. Can you offer any rideshare? *
We begin Friday @ 2pm, end around 6pm Sunday. What will be your expected time of arrival? (Please give as much detail as you can)  You are welcome to arrive earlier and picnic in the grounds *
Vegetarian food has an extra cost €40. (Dinner on Friday to Lunch on Sunday) If you wish to have meals before or after, contact Aquinta.
Do you have any special needs, diet or/and health issues we need to have knowledge of in advance?
We support this to be a residential event. The contributions are listed per day. Let us know your preference! *
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