Route 11 Walkability Survey Informed Consent
Documentation of Informed Consent to Participate in Research

Clarkson University’s Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research has reviewed initial plans for this research and exempted it from further oversight. If you have concerns about the safety or conduct of this research, please contact the IRB at 315 268-6475 or email

Project Title: Route 11 Walkability Survey

Researcher(s): William Olsen, Erik Backus, Matthieu Cote, Ajay Johnson, David Wallace, Elijah Doubleday, Haley Meshcon, Nicholas Leggett

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number: 23-02 E  

You have been asked to be a part of the research described here. Participation is voluntary.

Summary of the study: As part of our current study concerning walking to and from Walmart, we would like to find out more about how you perceive the safety and feasibility of pedestrian and bike traffic along Route 11. This 10-minute survey will ask you about your walking / biking habits and opinions on pedestrian / biker safety along Route 11. For Potsdam residents, providing your address is an optional question to help with proximity studies to the study area. There are no other risks involved with taking this survey.

Please read the material below if you are interested in participating in this study.

In addition to the Primary Investigator, listed above, the following persons have been authorized to obtain Informed Consent: William Olsen, Erik Backus, Matthieu Cote, Ajay Johnson, David Wallace, Elijah Doubleday, Haley Meshcon, Nicholas Leggett

What to expect: A 10-minute survey utilizing short answer and linear scoring questions.

If you have any questions about this research, you may contact Clarkson C3G at

Risks and discomforts to you if you take part in this study: None

The benefits to you if you take part in this study: Providing valuable feedback and recommendations for pedestrian / biker improvements along Route 11.

What will you receive for taking part in this study: None, subjects are not compensated for partaking in this study.

What will happen to the information collected in this study: Results will be collected and stored on a Google survey response page.  

The information collected will be kept confidential as much as is permitted by law.

What rights you have when you take part in this study: Participation in this research is voluntary. Deciding not to take part, or to stop being a part of this research will result in no penalty, fine or loss of benefits that you otherwise have a right to.

Conflict of Interest: The researchers have no financial interest in performing this study.

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