Application for the AAS Peer Review Workshop on October 1, 2023
You are invited to apply to our in-person peer review workshop on Sunday October 1, 2023 at the DPS-EPSC 2023 Meeting in San Antonio, Texas 
 - . Applications are due by September 7, 2023.

Note: You must be registered and attending the DPS-EPSC 2023 Meeting in order to participate in this in-person workshop.

This in-person workshop focuses on key aspects of peer-review process at the AAS journals. Though extensive training with hands-on labs, participants gain familiarity with the AAS peer-review process and learn how to make better use of peer-review for their own manuscripts. Be ready to interact with your fellow participants and Scientific Editors. These are not passive, online, slide-oriented workshops! 

• Learn about the peer review process at the AAS journals from its Scientific Editors. 
• Explore examples of referee reports. 
• Gain experience by writing a referee report during the workshop.
• Lunch provided! 

On successful completion of the workshop, participants receive a graduation certificate, and will be designated in the AAS Journals system as a certified reviewer.

Date: Sunday, Oct 1, 2023

Time: 8:00 am CDT to 12:00 pm CDT (4 hour duration)
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