2024 GED/HiSET or Adult Basic Literacy Tutoring Application

Before getting started, here are some things to know about our GED/HiSET/Basic Literacy tutoring program.

You must be 17 or older to participate in our tutoring program.
It may take several weeks or months before we have a tutor who is available to meet your needs. Most GED students are placed in a few weeks, but it often takes longer if you have limited availability to meet consistantly at the same time each week. 
You may be eligible to access the Aztec Courses  at no cost to you. This will allow you a personalized study plan and resources that you can access from home. You may use the Aztec preparation program with or without a tutor. 
Once we match you with a tutor we ask that you commit to meeting for at least one hour per week for at least six months.  
You can borrow the approved calculator from our collection if you have/get a DCL card.  These are available for check out for 4 weeks and may be renewed several times.  Cell phones and unapproved calculators cannot be brought into the testing center.
As long as you are keeping your regularly scheduled meetings and making a sincere effort on the homework that your tutor gives you, your tutor has been asked to help you until you are ready to pass at a level you are proud of in that subject. If you are ready to test, we will encourage you to do so as soon as you can schedule it.   You should expect a minimum commitment of 3 months, but know that some students study for over a year.  Your HSE credentials demonstrates that you have the equivalent knowledge of someone who has completed four years of high school.
If you cannot meet regularly, we will ask that you apply again to the program when you can commit to regular meetings.
If your tutor is missing sessions, we will try to find a new tutor for you.
Our program is free.  Your tutor is a volunteer.  They do not expect payment for their services and are not allowed to accept payment. They are teaching you because they want to help our community.  
Your tutor will have received training but may be new to teaching.  They, too, are learning even as they help you learn.    Our Tutors are volunteers who may not have extensive, professional training in teaching people with learning disabilities. 
Your tutor will have passed a criminal background check.  We only use volunteer tutors without a criminal history.
You will always meet your tutor in a public place. Most tutors meet their students at the library in our study rooms.
Your tutor is not allowed to give you rides and is not allowed to accept rides in your car.
We do not allow family members or friends to be tutored together.  Children should be left in the care of another trusted adult during your lessons.
We work with community partners to provide scholarships to help our students demonstrating readiness pay for their official test. These scholarships are limited to Douglas County residents.
When you earn your diploma, we will invite you to attend a graduation ceremony to celebrate your accomplishment. Gradutation ceremonies are held in the spring. 

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Email *
Student Name that you go by *
Phone number *
Do you accept text messages at the above phone number? *
Address *
May we share your contact information with our partners at Arapahoe Community College (ACC)  or Arapahoe Douglas Works (ADWorks) so they may send you information about opportunities to continue your education or career goals? *
How did you learn about our program?
What county do you live in?  (We ask this question to determine eligibility for programs with our partner organizations such as Arapahoe Douglas Works, or we may refer you to a program closer to your home ). *
Student age (minimum age to participate is 17) *
When others are speaking about me, I prefer them to use the pronouns. (Why this matters: We want our students to feel respected.  For example, when matching a student to a tutor, I will say: This is "Alex" she is asking for support in math.  Are you interested in helping her? )  *
If your native language is not English, do you need help learning English?
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Please check if you prefer to work only in the online Aztec GED Online program and not with a tutor at our libraries. If you check this box you can skip the next question.  Please know we do find students are more successful when they can meet with a tutor regularly.  Skip if you do want to be matched with a tutor. 
Please indicate the times and dates you are available to meet your tutor for one hour on a weekly basis.  Please note you will always meet your tutor in a public place.  You can skip this question if you do not plan to work with a tutor.
Please indicate your preferred Douglas County Libraries branch to meet your tutor. Please check all the locations you can meet on a weekly basis. *
If you selected more than one location in the previous question, please let us know your first and second choice.
I only want to work with:
the GED or HiSET test competency in the four subjects. Please indicate all the subjects you need help learning. *
What was the last grade you completed?
If you are planning to take a test, do you have a date you hope to complete it by:
What test are you planning to take, if any
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If you have passed any section of the official GED or HiSET already, please check the tests you have passed: *
Please let us know your numerical  score on any of the official GED Ready pretests.  Write NA or leave blank if you have not taken any official pretests. 
What are your goals for after you complete this program?
Do you have a Douglas County Libraries Card? 
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Do you have home internet access with a laptop or computer at home?
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How much time are you able to commit to studying each week?  In order to be successful in our program, your tutor will expect you to do homework and study between your lessons. If you are not able to meet your tutor, they may ask to be matched with another student.
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Do you need help with your basic computer skills?
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Some of our tutors are only comfortable working in-person with vaccinated students.  If you are asking to work with a tutor, it may help match you if you let us know your Covid-19 Vaccination status.  If you choose not to answer, I will match you with a tutor who does not require their students to be vaccinated.
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Is it important to you that your tutor is fully vaccinated against Covid-19? *
Are there individuals or organizations you would like us to share information about your progress with? Please list the names (including parents) or organizations if you want to give permission.  This is not required.
If you are filling out this application for someone else, please provide your name, email or phone number and relationship to the student.
Is there anything else  you would like us or your tutor to know?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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