Volunteer Strategic Planning Survey
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out the following survey. Please provide your honest responses so that we can continue to make softball enjoyable for everyone!
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What role or roles have you had with Softball Ontario *
How long have you volunteered with Softball Ontario? *
What motivates you to volunteer? *
Do you feel softball is welcoming and inclusive to all? *
Not welcoming or inclusive
Very welcoming and inclusive
What is one thing that would make softball more welcoming and inclusive?
What would make you feel more appreciated in your role as a volunteer with Softball Ontario?
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What is one thing that you would change to improve the game of softball?
Are you involved in softball other ways? (i.e. player, coach, umpire) *
If you answered no would you be interested in getting involved in other ways?
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What is your favourite social media to use? *
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