Unspoken Divide: What's the deal with dating in Utah?

In August, The Salt Lake Tribune published an extensive report on Utah’s “Unspoken Divide” and how it plays out in neighborhoods, especially its effect on kids.

Given that nearly 90% of state lawmakers are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more than 60% of Utahns show up on the faith’s rolls, and it has a proselytizing mission, it is unsurprising that tensions can arise between members and those outside the faith.

We heard about children being excluded from parties, about houses skipped on Halloween, about language that offends (even when unintentional), about feelings of alienation and powerlessness. 

But we also learned about places where bridges have been built, cross-boundary friendships have formed, and where true empathy is practiced. 

Now we are turning our attention to another fraught topic: dating. 

We want to know how this divide between Latter-day Saints and Utahns not of their faith plays out when it comes to finding a partner.

What's your age?
Are you a Latter-day Saint who dates — or has dated — outside the faith? Why or why not?
Are you of another faith or no faith and date — or have dated — a Latter-day Saint? Why or why not?
How does the religious divide impact your dating relationships? What are some of the issues? Sexual intimacy? Drinking? Whether or not to attend church activities? Discussions of faith?
For members of the LGBTQ community, how has the religious divide impacted your experience dating in Utah?
How does the LDS Church’s emphasis on marrying while younger and marrying a fellow member for eternity impact the dating experience?
As a Latter- day Saint parent, do you worry if your child dates outside the church? Why or why not?
As someone of another faith or no faith, do worry if your child dates a Latter-day Saint? Why or why not?
If you are willing to talk to a reporter about your experience, please share your name and contact information.
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