DAP Color Analysis Event


Do the colors in your wardrobe harmonize together?

Do they work with your skin undertones to create a flattering first impression?

Join us for this personal COLOR analysis event to learn more about answers to these questions!

Seasonal Color Analysis - Using color theory to look and feel your best

Tickets $25 

Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 from 5-7 p.m.

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum

200 Violet St STE 140, Golden, CO 80401

Please feel free to a pass this invite along to other alumnae chapter members, friends, family, neighbors, co-workers -- the more the merrier! 

For more details or questions, please email Lori Poole at pooleLL@hotmail.com.

Personal color analysis is in the headlines. But it is more than a passing fad or trend. It’s rooted in the century-old color theory from Johaness Itten of the Bauhaus Movement. And it has been refined for individuals over the past 40 years by House of Colour, a UK-based image consulting franchise. Personal color analysis gives people of all ages and genders color confidence to last a lifetime – as they discover their best hues for clothing, makeup, hair color, accessories, jewelry, and more. 


Join us for an educational and engaging workshop on COLOR with expert personal stylist Heather Hope, owner of House of Colour Denver. She has seen over 1,200 clients during her five plus years of franchise operations. She’s a seasoned communications expert, focused now on personal branding after 20 years of career experience in communication strategy. While we won’t have time to show you your specific seasonal palette, you will leave with plenty of applicable COLOR information and inspiration. And we are offering ONE private color analysis session, so attend the workshop and enter to win.


A native of Colorado, Heather graduated from Littleton High School. She studied Technical Journalism at Colorado State University, where she joined the Chi Zeta chapter of the Chi Omega Fraternity and served on the house leadership team as a pledge educator. Her dearest friendships come from her pledge class and time living in the house on Birch Street. She now lives in Central Park with her husband of 17+ years and two elementary age children – Xander and Cora.


Key Workshop Take Aways

  1. Learn how seasonal color theory applies to people
  2. Consider harmonious color combinations your closet
  3. Discover the infectious energy of “dopamine” colors
  4. Evaluate the non-verbal message you send through colors and accessories 


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