"Navigating change: Grounding Inward, Together, and in Nature " Virtual Retreat Registration
Open Circle & CVC Retreat – Saturday, August 7, 8:00am – 9:30pm

Spaces are limited.
Your Spot is reserved when you do both of: Step1 - Fill in this form AND Step 2 - Submit your non-refundable fee.

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Last name, First name *
Faculty *
Student # *
E-mail address *
Phone Number *
I am a... *
Would you like to be added to the Weekly Open Circle e-mail list? *
How did you hear about this Retreat? *
Have you participated in any other Open Circle or Community Volunteer Circles activities? If so, which ones? *
Age *
Current Mailing Address: street, city, country and postal code (Your retreat materials to be mailed to this address) *
Street and City Address of your location during the Retreat (for liability purposes). If this changes later, you can e-mail your updated address to leismb@mcmaster.ca *
Emergency Contact during the retreat (include phone #) *
Dietary Requirements or Food allergies (for shared recipes that will be sent to participants)
Can you commit to attending the entire retreat as follows - setting aside distractions and other commitments and being fully present for all of these times: Saturday, August 7, 8:00am – 9:30pm *
If your timezone only allows you to participate in part of the retreat, which times will you be present for?
GROUPS: when participating in group activities, if you have a preference of who you would like to be placed in a group with, please indicate the name(s):
VIDEO: we will use zoom and/or gather town for our retreat. We prefer that participants join by video to create a sense of connection and community. Will this be possible for you? *
Payment information: Cost includes activities and materials. Which fee will you be paying? *
How will you submit your non-refundable fee? *
When will you submit your fee? (Deadline-Thursday July 29th; payment needs to be received to reserve your spot and mail you the materials) *
CHOOSE YOUR RETREAT MATERIALS: Your retreat fee includes one of the following options which will be mailed to your address. In considering which to choose, the retreat will include activities that use art materials as well as reading materials. (A longer description of each book is provided below) *
Open Circle Group Guidelines
Retreat participants are asked to follow these guidelines. When we meet, you can add guidelines that are important to you.
Give and receive welcome. People learn best in hospitable spaces. In this circle we support each other’s learning by giving and receiving hospitality.
Respect: Listen to each other with openness and curiosity, being respectful of different ideas and opinions while open to learn from everyone.
No fixing, saving, advising or correcting each other. This is one of the hardest guidelines for those of us who like to “help.” But it is vital to welcoming the soul.
Set aside reaction and judgment and turn towards wonder and compassionate inquiry. Ask yourself, “I wonder why they feel/think this way?” or “I wonder what my reaction teaches me about myself?” Set aside judgment to listen to others—and to yourself—more deeply.
Speak your truth in ways that respect other people’s truth. Our views of reality may differ, but speaking one’s truth in this circle does not mean interpreting, correcting or debating what others say. Speak from your center to the center of the circle, using “I” statements, trusting people to do their own sifting and growth.
Creating inclusive space for diversity. We work together to hold safe space for all forms of diversity, including ethnicity, religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, and socio-economic status.
Freedom to share or to pass. Be here with your listening as well as your speaking.
Be present as fully as possible. Turn off phones and put away technology that is not being used for our circle.
Trust and learn from the silence. Silence is a gift in our noisy world, and a way of knowing in itself. Treat silence as a member of the group. After someone has spoken, take time to reflect without immediately filling the space with words.
Observe deep confidentiality. Safety is built when we can trust that our words and stories will remain with the people with whom we choose to share, and are not repeated to others without our permission.
I will respect and follow these Open Circle Group Guidelines as I participate in the retreat. *
I agree to not to use non-prescription drugs or alcohol during this retreat. I agree to set aside all other distractions such as phones, social media, emails, etc. during the activities and shared times at this retreat. *
Open Circle photo permission: I give Open Circle and its supporting bodies permission to publish, use and republish photograph(s) of me, or in which I may be included with others (in this case, from screen shots of our event). Such publication may indicate the name of the activity where the photograph was taken. I understand my address will not be published in connection with the photograph(s).I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product(s). The photograph shall be used for the purpose of promoting Open Circle and its programs and may appear in newsletters, yearbook, annual reports, brochures, posters, website pages or other forms of literature, including electronic and print. I release Open Circle and its supporting bodies from any and all claims arising out of this use of the said photograph(s).I understand that I may withdraw this consent at any time by forwarding such request, in writing, to Open Circle. *
Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?
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