EpicMusicVn Submission Form
This is the official EpicMusicVn submission form for both composer and editors - all submissions will be reviewed.
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Full Name *
(real name)
Your artist or company name *
Email Address *
Only used to contact you if there's any problems with your submission - Your email will NOT be leaked
Other Contacts
Your address on Website, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, DeviantArt, Pixiv, etc. if you want us to contact you there instead
Songs/Clips/Images URLs *
1. Please provide downloadable link.  2. For editor please follow our policy http://bit.ly/UbxyfQ
Songs/Clips/Images Description *
The description/credit you want to be included in the description section on YouTube when your music is uploaded.
Extra Information
Please provide information about any copyright permissions/claims for the submission or anything extra you think we should know about.
Terms and Conditions *
I hereby acknowledge that I either directly own or own distribution rights to all content submitted, including music and visuals. By submitting this material to www.youtube.com/epicmusicvn, I hereby acknowledge emitting all rights of use to EpicMusicVn, and thus grant EpicMusicVn a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify my content for commercial use. I also stand liable to legal action if I do not have the necessary rights of ownership/distribution of the content submitted.
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