Internship Application
Memory and History: Transforming the Narrative of the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Dictatorship (a digital humanities project supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities) is seeking graduate students and upper-level undergraduates with Spanish language fluency to participate as researchers over Winter, Spring and/or Summer 2024. Interns will work remotely with  affiliated faculty to translate and/or index the audiovisual testimonies collected by the Spanish Civil War Memory Project (SCWMP).  To learn more about the project see: 

For questions or additional information, please contact Dr. Andrea Davis at
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Preferred email address  *
First and last name
What is your institutional affiliation, degree level, and area of study? *
What internship are you interested in? *
Will you be able to secure course credit or funding from your home institution for participating in this internship? If so, please explain your institution's internship requirements in terms of hours and outcomes.  If not, how many hours will you be able to commit to the project on a weekly basis, and how will you balance the internship with your other academic commitments? *
Please describe in no more than 250 words your qualifications for participating in this internship. *
Please explain in no more than 500 words how participating in this internship would support your broader research and/or career goals. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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