PA Volunteer/Internship Form
Applications will close October 13, 2023!

Volunteer comped Hotel Rooms closed on 9/18.

Hello! Thank you for volunteering/interning with Puchicon Events! We have recently made revisions to our volunteering experience based on our growing volunteer communities valuable input. Puchicon has decided to make the volunteer experience also an internship opportunity. What this means is you will receive skills-based training for various event roles and responsibilities, along with close supervisor supports, and feedback on your volunteer/internship role. Get a hands-on training at how conventions/events operate, while offering you the opportunity to build social and interpersonal skills among a team. These skills are transferrable skills to use on your resumes and building your job/career opportunities personally.

Please READ ALL the questions and Terms of Agreement before submitting your application.

Check out some of the positions we have, find which ones you like and fill out the application link below. Please note not everyone will get the position they signed up for, the list below outlines what you could possibly be doing.

If you apply online and your application is accepted, you will receive a welcome email AND a follow-up group interview date to get to know you more. You must do BOTH the application and the group interview to be considered for the volunteer/intern positions.
Fill out your availability and task preferences.

Shift schedules will be made available a couple of weeks before the convention.    

You will be asked to sign a waiver and liability form after acceptance.
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