Submit feedback about multi-language audio on this channel
We'd love to get your feedback on the use of multi-language audio tracks on the Google Search Central YouTube channel. You can choose the audio track on selected videos in the "SEO Made Easy" series in the settings-menu on the bottom of the video. This is something we're currently experimenting with, it's still very early days, and your feedback helps us when evaluating the next steps. 

If you have general feedback about the video content, not specific to the localizations, please comment on the video directly. 

(Submissions here will be retained for up to 12 months.)
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Is your feedback general or specific to one video? *
If specific, which video? (URL or title)
Which language did you listen to? *
How was the translation? *
How understandable was it? *
Would you use this again? *
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Highly likely
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(Please don’t include any personally identifiable information.)
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