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Are there any ways you use Wake Up To Politics in your life or job specifically? I'd love to hear more about you and how you've made Wake Up To Politics part of your daily routine!
What do you wish Wake Up To Politics offered that it doesn't currently? Is there anything you would change about the newsletter (either in content or formatting)?
Now, I'm going to ask a few questions about some specific sections in the newsletter. Do you have any feedback on the "Global Roundup," which publishes every Wednesday, or the "Legal Roundup," which publishes every Thursday?
Any feedback on "Ask Gabe," where I answer reader questions?
Any feedback on "The Rundown," which features brief summaries of top stories of the day, or "Daybook," which details the schedules of top figures in Washington?
Is there anything else you'd like to add before submitting?
Can I quote any of the nice things you've said on the Wake Up To Politics website? If so, could you share your name and where you're from? (If not, that's totally fine! And you can give permission to be quoted without sharing your name!)
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