Inquire to work with Sandra Nomoto, Book Whisperer for authors with impact
Thank you for arriving at this form! If you haven't yet visited my website, here's a little bit about me:
  • I ran Conscious PR, an award-winning virtual public relations agency, from 2008 to 2018.
  • The year I closed Conscious PR was the same year I went vegan. This is a big part of my life and work now.
  • I published my second book, the world's first vegan marketing book, Vegan Marketing Success Stories, in 2022. It won a Vegan Choice Award in 2023.
Before you contact me, please visit my website for more information on my author-related services including coaching, and watch my intro video to learn about the 3 types of publishing. It's important for me to know which type of publishing you're pursuing.

You can find more information on my background on my LinkedIn profile.
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Full name *
Pronouns *
E-mail address *
Location *
Have you written a book before? (If yes, please specify) *
Have you completed your manuscript? *
Explain the genre and brief plot (if applicable) of your book. If it's completed, please share the word count. *
Why are you interested in publishing a book? *
If you have already visited my website, tell me the services you need.
If you answered the question above, what is your budget for the services you require?
Do you plan to do be traditionally published, self-publish, or work with a hybrid publisher? *
For vegan authors: If you could wave a magic wand, what would a perfect book launch look like, and what results would it bring to you?
For vegan authors: How comfortable are you with public speaking & potentially talking about your book to the media?
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Would you like to be added to my monthly e-mail list? You'll receive Chapter 1 of Vegan Marketing Success Stories digitally. *
If you would like to book a video chat, please let me know your ideal days and times, and I'll send a calendar invite.
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