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Say goodbye to the "OLD GAME" of storm damage restoration and reset your company into the NEW GAME of how to be successful in the current storm damage restoration environment. 


Class Times - 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Goal Posts - Insurance Carriers are constantly changing the rules and moving the Goal Posts.  Often multiple times inside the same claim experience. Learn how to control the narrative and end the frustration of constantly aiming for a moving target.  This foundational principle will aid in every aspect of the claim lifecycle and increase your success rates while minimizing the length of the claim.

Presenting Evidence - Between third party inspectors and limited decision making power in the field, adjuster appointments feel more and more part of the Old Game. The New Game of properly and effectively presenting an evidence package is increasingly crucial to the ability to aid homeowners in their claim experience.  These tested techniques will establish yourself as an expert, increase your value to your customer, and results in stronger relationships and referral partners.

New Compatibility - Compatibility is a real issue that is not taken seriously or properly understood.  Issues surrounding Compatibility should be presented in a manner that can not and will not be ignored.  Chris Zimmerman explains why the game has changed and details his new Compatibility and Availability approach and how to achieve consistent results.  This includes a look at recent changes to Technical Bulletins and a look at what is on the Compatibility horizon.

New Repairability - “Repair attempts” have been abused by contractors and are increasingly rejected by insurance companies.  Repair issues should be presented from the position of the expert, under established methods widely accepted by the broader roofing community, and in a manner easily digested by both the homeowner and their insurance carrier.  John Senac explains why the “Repair Attempt” game has changed and details why the position of an expert and inclusion of the homeowner are critical to the presentation of the Repair Assessment.  

Additional content on The New Narrative - The Old Game of Insurance Proceeds Model and “we will handle everything” is on life support.  With the increase of ACV, RPS, and higher deductibles companies must have a well rounded sales offering.  Changes in the insurance claim landscape are resulting in Cost Incurred, Lump Sum, and Good Faith Estimates becoming increasingly valuable.  The New Game requires a narrative that positions you to be successful in any environment regardless of the carrier or coverage.

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