Black Prong Bar & Grill Night of Giving Application
By competing this form you are applying to host a fundraising night at the Black Prong Bar & Grill!   If approved, we will donate 20% of our proceeds on your designated night to your not-for profit organization.  You must have an active 501c3 status to qualify. Let us know if you have a deadline, otherwise we will reach out to schedule a Sunday or Monday night. We look forward to this opportunity to give back to our community!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Organization *
EIN for the Not-for Profit Organization *
Is your organization a registered 501c3? If no, what is your designation?  *
How would you like our Bar & Grill servers to describe your organization to their dining patrons? 
Do you have a preferred date?
What is your fundraising deadline? (if you have one)
Organization website (if you have one)
Organization mailing address *
Contact Person Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact Email *
A representative from your organization will need to be present at Black Prong for the Night of Giving event. If you know who that person will be, please leave their name below.  *
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