Ozone Run - Green Steps Challenge


  1. Raise Awareness: To impact the environment and the importance of sustainable practices.
  2. Foster Behavior Change: To adopt sustainable habits and make conscious choices that reduce your carbon footprint.
  3. Promote Healthy Living: To benefits from physical activity and outdoor engagement while incorporating sustainable practices.
  4. Build Clean Community: To Create a sense of community as you work towards a common goal of a greener lifestyle.
Email *
First Name *
Last name *
Email  *
Mobile number *
How do you identify yourself as? *
To which city, state and country you belong to? *
How keen are you to work for the Environment?
Why do you think we should save our Planet Earth? *
Number of days Challenge you would like to opt

Your Choice to choose a challenge(Click on any one link to activate the challenge - One at a time)

How much will you rate Green Steps - Ozone Run initiative?(1 as in very low and 5 as in very high)
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