Seward Cafe Event Request Form
Wanna have an event at the Seward Cafe?  Are you in a band or wanna book some bands?  Are you interested in having a performance?  Throwing a dance party?  Hosting a bingo night?  Having a wedding?? Well, tell us about who you are and what you need!  We are excited to share our space! We will reach out to you as soon as possible to confirm.


We operate as a community based and volunteer-run venue, and every contribution matters immensely so that we can continue to throw events forever and ever. By supporting us, you are directly investing in a space that fosters the Twin Cities music scene, mutual aid fundraisers, educational/community engagement and so much more. 

We ask that you fill out this form at least a month in advance. We prefer give ourselves the option to select what shows we want to steward, and this gives us the flexibility to adjust details of your event to ensure the best possible experience on both ends. We ask that you have details of the event already in mind to provide stewards the opportunity to steward shows they are passionate and excited for! We totally understand last minute drop outs or add ins, as long as the general band list and event details are clear!

We value clear and thorough communication, as it helps us coordinate effectively. Although we are DIY space, this is still a lot of work to coordinate. and providing as much detail as possible in your initial submission helps us minimize back-and-forth emails and expedite the booking process.

Thank you for considering Seward Cafe for your event. Your support means da world to us, and we're excited about the opportunity to work together.


xox Seward Cafe xox
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Email *
Primary Contact Info *
Please provide Name, Pronouns, phone number, and preferred way of contact for the main people setting up the event -- this will be who a cafe keyholder will reach out to.
What will the space be used for? 
 (e.g. fundraising, music, political education, creative space, community driven event, etc.)  Please provide a brief description of the event and list anyone performing.
What is the proposed date of the Event?  *
When do you need a confirmation from us?
What time is Set Up/Load-In? *
Since we are a mostly volunteer-run event space, please  anticipate time to assist us with setting up the space for your rad event
What time would the Event start? *
e.g. when bands start playing, when the panel discussion kicks off, etc
What time would the Event end? *
Since we are a mostly volunteer-run event space, please  anticipate time to assist us with clean-up
What space would the event take place in?
Please note that outdoor shows require a sound permit, mostly have to wrap up by 10pm, and we gotta post a notice a week ahead of the event within a 300 foot radius of Seward Cafe.  For more info on sound permits check out

What are your sound needs?  *
A member of the Cafe collective will be present to help set up and run sound equipment during the event if you need it. We have a PA available, along with an assortment of tables, mics, stands, and instrument cables. We often set up sound for punk and electronic shows, but let us know if you have specific audio requests or needs and we will do our best to help you out.
Can we share this event on social media? *
If so, please email us an event description suitable for posting on Instagram (at least 1080x1080) and send flyer with details to at least two weeks ahead of time. We love physical flyers as well, which you can drop off at the cafe at any time!
What is your door cover?  *
We support No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds, and often suggest anywhere from $5-$20 depending on the event
Are you able to donate $300 or 30% of door sales to the cafe, whichever is less? *
We are a volunteer-run space for events, and our cut of the sales/donations goes directly towards property taxes and upkeep of the space. If we don't make tax payments we lose the land and nobody can have fun here, grow and distribute free fresh produce, provide free literature and tangible resources i.e. clothes, household supplies, cook free meals for community... you get the picture.
Anything else for us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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