St. Joseph Adoration Sign Up
Please sign up for any times that you or your family would be interested in being present for that hour of adoration each week.  
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First and Last Name  (If you will be attending the same time slot, you can register multiple people together. Make sure to list all names that will be attending at that time.  If a husband and wife will be attending different hours, please register them separately.)
Phone Number
Email address
What parish are you from? 
What time are you available on Tuesdays?  (If you can pray for half an hour, select one box.  If you can pray for an entire hour, select two boxes, etc.)
What time are you available on Thursdays?  (If you can pray for half an hour, select one box.  If you can pray for an entire hour, select two boxes, etc.)
Fr. Witt would like this to evolve into a perpetual adoration guild.  What other day of the week would you be available? *
Would you like to see a family adoration hour (with music, pamphlets, laity and/or clergy to guide families in praying)? *
Do you have any interest in a quarterly or monthly 8PM-5AM adoration option? *
What time of day would be best for a family adoration hour?
How often would you like to have confession available during adoration?
Do you have any other suggestions or questions for adoration?  Have you seen anything in particular at other parishes or retreats that you'd like to bring to our adoration?  What would help you in adoration? 
Would you attend a community rosary/litany hour during adoration? 
How often would you want the community rosary?
Would prayer booklets and sessions on how to pray during adoration be helpful? *
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