Language learning Survey
Hi, an Indian Startup asks your language learning experience. 30% Discount Coupon (additional) offer on language courses.
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Which language (s) did you try to learn? *
Why did you want to learn the language? *
Why did you want to learn the language - Other reasons ?
How well did you learn the language? *
Where did you learn the language? (give detail, such as website, class, institute, location, and the like) *
What was good about where you learnt? *
What was difficult about learning the language? *
What would you like to have to learn the language better? *
Would you learn online?
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If Yes, why?
If No, why not?
Which city are you currently living in? *
Suppose you want to be contacted to learn a language, do give your contact number. We shall send you a Discount coupon of an additional 30% off on all language courses (via email or mobile).
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