Case Quantum Computing Club
Quantum computing is a rapidly growing field, and while there are more and more opportunities available for interested researchers, it can also be increasingly overwhelming to navigate through resources alone.  We hope to grow a quantum computing community here at Case Western while connecting interested students, regardless of technical background, with mentors in academia, national laboratories, and industry.

Some activities we plan to hold to achieve this goal include organizing guest lectures, setting up coffee chats / office hours with professors and researchers in industry, scheduling virtual lab tours, etc.  We also hope to build technical proficiency in quantum computing through documentation and tutorials on different quantum computing platforms, group projects on applications of QC, literature readings / journal clubs, and involvement in relevant hackathons (ideally even hosting our own hackathons eventually).  Lastly, we hope to pool together resources for getting involved in quantum computing through initiatives such as joining the intercollegiate Quantum Coalition.

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How much do you know about Quantum Computing? *
Which of the applicable skills do you have experience with? *
What kind of events would you like to see from Case Quantum Computing?
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