Cony Middle and High School SBHC Enrollment an Consent
Please fill out the following information to enroll your student in in the Student Based Health Clinic. 

Please Note: A hard copy of the consent form must also be signed and turned into the Health Center for your student to receive health services from our medical affiliates. 
Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name
Student Middle Initial
Student Date of Birth *
Sex Listed on Student's Birth Certificate *
Student Race
Student's Preferred Pronouns
Parent/ Guardian #1 (Name/ Relationship) *
Address *
Phone Number *
Parent/ Guardian #2 (Name/ Relationship)
Phone Number
Preferred Method of Non-Urgent Parent Communication
Clear selection
Primary Care Provider
Primary Care Provider Phone Number
Preferred Pharmacy
Please list any medical issues or special health concerns related to your student.  Please include any past illnesses, injuries, or surgeries. 
Current Medical Diagnoses 
Please List Current Medications 
Please List Medication Allergies
Family Health History
Please provide any other pertinent information about your student that will assist our medical professionals in assisting your student. 
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