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Hansen Swimming Lessons Registration
Lessons are held at Hansen's pool -
10203 South 6000 West Payson, Utah 84651
No refunds will be given for missed lessons, showing up late, or if your child won't participate once class starts, rescheduling will be offered if a lesson needs to be cancelled.
Contact us with any questions at 801-430-8058
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* Indicates required question
Guardian Name
Your answer
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Student Name (complete separate form for each student)
Your answer
Student Age
Your answer
Would you like your child to be in group or private lessons?
Group lessons
Private lessons
If you selected group lessons, what session would you like to attend?
Session 1: June 3 - June 13 (Monday-Thursday)
Session 2: July 8 - July 18 (Monday-Thursday)
Both session
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If you selected private lessons, what week(s) would you like to attend?
June 10 - June 14 (Monday-Friday)
June 24 - June 28 (Monday-Friday)
July 8 - July 12 (Monday-Friday)
July 15 - July 19 (Monday-Friday)
Has your child taken swim lessons before?
Please evaluate your child's skill level by selecting the descriptions that best describes your child.
Child has never taken swimming lessons and/or doesn't exhibit the skills below
Child can hold breath for 10 seconds underwater, back float without assistance, and knows straight leg kicks
Child exhibits skills above and can preform the following strokes: Crawl Stroke, Breast Stroke, Back Stroke
Child exhibits the skills above as well as has experience diving and treading water
Is there anything else we should know about your child?
Your answer
I understand that total payment is due after receiving confirmation email/text.
I understand that by submitting this registration, I am agreeing that Hansen Swimming Lessons has no liability whatsoever for any injury, death, or property damage suffered by you or any of the students registered in connection with such lessons.
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