MobyGames User Survey
This 16-question survey is from the MobyGames team, and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Our goal with this survey is to learn more about our MobyGames users to inform our development roadmap!

Not only will survey responders will be rewarded with 1 month of free MobyPro (applied at end of survey period), but we will also run a giveaway of two $100 Amazon Gift Cards among all respondents who complete the survey.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
In which region do you live? *
How often do you typically visit MobyGames?
In what capacity do you use MobyGames? Select all that apply. *
When you visit MobyGames, what are you typically looking for? *
Which data, pages, or features do you find most valuable? *
Over the last year, how many video games have you purchased, NOT including in-app purchases? *
In the last year, where have you purchased video games? Select all that apply. *
In the last year, what % of your video game purchases have been physical? *
What % of your physical video game purchases have been pre-used (vs. new) games. *
What % of your physical video game purchases have been collector's or limited edition purchases? *
What research do you do, if any, to decide whether you'll purchase a video game?  *
Which other gaming websites, if any, do you regularly visit? *
If you could wave a magic wand, what is the one thing you'd change or add to MobyGames?
If we were to launch a regular email newsletter containing updates on MobyGames and larger gaming trends we're seeing in our data, how frequently would you like to receive this newsletter?  *
What content would be most valuable in this newsletter?
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Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Would you be open to participating in a 30-minute call with a member of our team to tell us more about your MobyGames usage? *
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