Twin Springs Elementary School Principal Qualities Survey
Pittsylvania County Schools is seeking input to assist in evaluating the competencies and qualifications to be used in selecting, developing, and evaluating a new principal for Twin Springs Elementary School. Your input will be a critical component of the school division’s deliberation.

It is the division's intent to seek the best balance between work experiences, education and preparation, personal qualities, role expectations of the principal, and the ability to respond to the community’s educational needs.

All input is anonymous and confidential and is for the sole use of the school division. Input will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on March 28, 2023. All responses are anonymous.  

Thank you for providing us with your input!
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What is your current connection to Twin Springs Elementary School? *
What experience, skills, or expertise would you like to see in a principal? *
How important is it that the principal has a work history that includes: *
Not Important
A little Important
Very Important
Critically Important
Experience as an elementary school administrator?
Experience in a school similar to Twin Springs Elementary School?
Success in student achievement (based on test results)?
Experience in Pittsylvania County Schools?
Communicating with and engaging students?
Communicating with and engaging parents and the community?
What would you like the new principal to accomplish at Twin Springs Elementary School in the next five years? *
What personal qualities would you like to see in a principal? *
Please identify the personal characteristics you believe are necessary for a principal to be successful at Twin Springs Elementary School? *
Not Important
A little Important
Very Important
Critically Important
ACCOUNTABLE: Takes responsibility and accepts consequences
ARTICULATE: Communicates effectively with others
COLLABORATIVE: Seeks out relationships with teachers, staff, and parents,
DECISIVE: Takes a stand, acts with certainty
FLEXIBLE: Willing to adapt for best interests of all
INNOVATIVE: Seeks new ideas, fosters change
ACTIVE LISTENER: Considers feedback and input of others
TRUSTWORTHY: Reliable as honest and truthful
SELFLESSNESS: Puts success of others or group before self
INTELLIGENT: Able to reason, shows good judgment
COMPASSIONATE: Understanding and concern for others
TRANSFORMATIVE: Has a vision and understands how to engage stakeholders
What leadership qualities would you like to see in a principal? *
Please identify the leadership qualities that you believe the principal of Twin Springs Elementary School should possess. *
Not Important
A little Important
Very Important
Critically Important
Instructional Leader
Consensus builder/Team leader
Encourages staff professional growth
High expectations (for students, teachers, staff and self)
Proactive (anticipates problems and acts quickly to find solutions)
Effective disciplinarian
Empowers teachers and staff
Good communicator
What do you believe are the  most important issues facing Twin Springs Elementary School that the principal must be ready to deal with immediately? *
Not Important
A little Important
Very Important
Critically Important
Student attendance
Teaching and Learning (Standards, Curriculum, Assessments, Engagement)
Learning opportunities provided for students at all levels
Teacher and staff development
Building and campus cleanliness
Student achievement
Student Safety (Campus Safety)
What would you like to see the new principal focus on in his/her first year at Twin Springs Elementary School? *
In your own words, describe the type of principal you believe would be the best fit for Twin Springs Elementary School. *
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