Apply to be a guest writer
TheTrendyCoder is a safe place to share your experience in tech with the community. You can share tips and tricks about any topics related to tech, time management, impostor syndrome, career evolution in tech… You can also share a technical article about a topic you like.
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What is your name? *
Could you present yourself : age, work, studies, hobbies… *
What topic(s) would you like to discuss in an article to be published on TheTendyCoder? *
Do you have any experience using WordPress? *
How frequently would you like to write for TheTrendyCoder? *
Could you share with me a sample of your article to evaluate your writing skills? No worries you don't have to write in a perfect English, I'm not a native speaker, so I struggle with grammar and spelling all the time.

If you don't have a draft, I would love at least some ideas of topics you would like to write about.
TheTrendyCoder in not a profitable website yet, I don't make money to be able to pay for your participation. Maybe in a few years if I manage to develop the website I will be able to pay for guest writers. However, it is an opportunity for you to practice writing SEO optimized articles about tech topics, and it can help for your visibility. Are you ok to participate for free? *
Thank you for your application! I'll email you as soon as possible.
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