Christina Hovland Apollycon 2023 Pre-Order

Well, hello there!

I'm thrilled to be signing at Apollycon 2023, April 27-30!

If you would like to pre-order your copy of any of my books for the special Apollycon pre-order price of $10 each, all you need to do is fill out this form!

My awesome-sauce team will forward you an invoice to pay via credit card (arrives from

Once you are paid and confirmed, I will pack your copies in my suitcase and bring you a special gift only available to those who pre-order!

If plans change and you can't attend the event, I am happy to ship your books to you for an additional $5 fee. (U.S. Only, International Shipping Quoted Separately.)

Questions? E-mail me at

Psst... form closes on April 15, 2023.

** BEST PLACE TO START READING? Going Down on One Knee is the most popular of my books. It is a standalone entry to the Mile High Matched series. 

** The Honeymoon Trap, Rachel, Out of Office, There's Something About Molly & Alt Covers sold out fast! I'm not able to get more copies before the event, but I will have bookplates I can sign for you. 
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Book Selection (All books stand alone and can be read in any order.)
Merchandise - Bags and Journals 10/each
Questions or Comments? (Request additional copies here or leave a message for me and my team!)
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