2025 PML Teen Survey
In an effort to tailor our collection and services to the needs and wishes of the community, we would like to learn something about you.  Providing the information below is completely voluntary.  All information will be kept strictly confidential.

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What is your age?
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What town do you live in?
Do you have a library card?
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If you use your family's library card, did you know that you can have your own card with parent/guardian permission?
How often do you use the library?
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Do you use the library as much as you would like?
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Does anything make it difficult to use the library?
What could be improved so that you can use the library more?
Which of the following library services are most important to you? 
1- Very important
2- Somewhat important
3- Not important
Physical Materials (books, graphic novels, movies)
Space to Hang Out
Printing for Schoolwork
Space for Quiet Study
Free Wi-Fi
Phone/Device charging
Reading and Relaxing
Digital Materials (eBooks, audiobooks)
What kind of events would bring you into the library more? (Check all that apply)
What day and time is the best for you to visit the library or attend programs? (Check all that apply.)
Which identifier would you look for on library advertisements to find events/programs you might want to attend?
How would you most like to learn about upcoming library events/programs?
Name a few of your favorite books.
Name a few of your favorite series.
Name some of your favorite authors.
What types of books do you like most?
Is there anything else you'd like to share or that we should know?
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