Mommy Shower, Inc. Volunteer Interest Form
Hello, hello! Thank you so much for your interest in furthering the mission of Mommy Shower, Inc.

Our mission is to equip mothers with resources, emotional, mental and spiritual support during their prenatal and postpartum phase. We endeavor to help moms prioritize self-care through mentoring, community, resources, events and retreats while also eliminating the disparaging amount of women of color receiving a disproportionate number of c-section deliveries.

We are seeking to build a diverse team of women and men from diverse personal and professional backgrounds  as volunteer leaders and we’d love to know how you’d make a difference in our organization!

If you have any questions feel free to reach out at:
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Name *
First and last name
Do you give us permission to add you to our email list for updates about Mommy Shower, Inc. *
Phone number
City, State
Business Name (If Applicable)
How did you find out about Mommy Shower, Inc.? *
What peaked your interest about Mommy Shower, Inc.? *
Do you have experience working with non-profits? *
If you have non-profit experience, detail your experience below.
What gifts, talents or service do you believe you can bring to Mommy Shower, Inc. ? *
What level of involvement would you be interested in? Please check all that apply. *
What areas would you be interested in volunteering in? *
If you are a business owner, would you be interested in donating products, services or funds to help pregnant and postpartum moms navigate their motherhood journey? (ex. nursing bras, maternity clothes, maternity photography, housecleaning, mental health services, child care, etc..) All donations are tax deductible.
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If you said yes above, what products or services would you be interested in donating?
Are you available to attend our virtual volunteer interest meeting on Monday, Jan 31st at 8pm?
Do you have any questions for our team? *
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