Emory Muscogee Teach-In -- November 8, 2024
Friday, November 8, 2024, 2:30-5:30 pm, Emory Student Center Multipurpose Rooms

Join Emory and Muscogee leaders, singers, storytellers, and artists for the third annual Emory Muscogee Teach-In. Refreshments will be served. The program will include:
  • Welcome and opening remarks by Emory and Muscogee leaders
  • Muscogee hymn singing
  • Muscogee storytelling from the Mvskoke Language Program
  • A stomp dance
Sponsored by Emory University Native American and Indigenous Studies, Office of the Provost, Emory College of Arts and Sciences, James Weldon Johnson Institute, and Office of Spiritual and Religious Life.

With questions, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.

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