Community Needs Assessment: Informing Gender Justice League's Strategic Plan
Founded in 2012 and taking shape in 2013, Gender Justice League (GJL) is approaching our ten year anniversary! As part of this milestone, we are developing a new strategic plan to guide our work, and we want to incorporate feedback from our community to inform and shape our goals and plans for the coming years.

GJL Mission: Our mission is to empower all people to eliminate discrimination and prejudice based on sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in Washington State; and to ensure that trans and gender diverse people can live their lives safely, true to themselves, and free from discrimination.

GJL Values: Racial justice & anti-racism, economic justice, intersectionality, accessibility, inclusion, and sex positivity.

For more about us, visit For questions about this survey, please contact
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What do you think GJL has done well?
What do you think GJL has NOT done well?
Over the last ten years, GJL has focused our work on expanding health insurance coverage to be the most inclusive in the country; growing a network of medical & mental healthcare providers in WA State; creating a mutual-aid program for survivors of gender-based violence; and combatting anti-trans legislation & ballot measures. 

Given that the political and cultural landscape for trans people is shifting rapidly, what types of work or topics do you want to see GJL do/address in the next 10 years?
What do you want to see GJL focus on in the next 1-3 years?
How would you allocate funding between the following areas so they add up to 20?
Advocacy work in WA State (such as fighting anti-trans bills & passing supportive bills)
Providing support to other states with anti-trans bills
Direct financial assistance to community members
Shelter assistance to community members
Community events (like Trans Pride Seattle)
Public education campaigns & media
Leadership development opportunities
Administrative & operational needs
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What types of work are currently most needed in trans communities? Please order them from most needed (1) to least needed (6)
Direct, flexible cash assistance for trans people
Community events (like Trans Pride Seattle)
Expanding access to gender-affirming healthcare
Creation of safe, gender-affirming shelters
Fighting anti-trans bills in other states (outside WA State)
Ensuring WA State can be a safe harbor for people feeling anti-trans legislation
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Any other feedback you would like to share?
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