Anime Ink Panel / Workshop Application 2024

Thank you for your interest in hosting a panel at Anime Ink! We are thrilled to consider your submission and appreciate your enthusiasm. To ensure a smooth process for both you and our internal teams, please read the guidelines below carefully. Following these instructions will help expedite your approval and ensure a successful event for everyone involved.


  • Submission Title and Description: These will be displayed on our online event schedule for attendees to see. Make sure to proofread for spelling and grammar before submitting. 
  • Panel Description Accuracy: Clearly describe what your panel will entail in a way that entices attendees to join. Avoid vague descriptions; be clear and engaging. Ensure your description accurately reflects your panel's content and activities. Surprises are great for the audience, but our team needs to know exactly what to expect.
  • Additional Notes: Use this section to provide any extra information or specific details about your panel. 
  • Schedule Conflicts: If you have any conflicts or specific timing preferences, mention them in the additional notes section. We will do our best to accommodate rescheduling requests, though it may become more challenging as the event dates approach.
  • Complete All Fields: Make sure to fill out all required fields to help expedite the approval and scheduling process.
  • Approval Timeline: Panel approvals will begin on August 5, 2024. You will not receive an approval email before this date, as we are allowing time for initial submissions to be reviewed.
  • Review and Approval: Submissions will be reviewed in the order they are received, but approvals will be based on factors such as need, quality, variety, prior experience, and other considerations.
  • Questions: If you have any questions about panel submissions, feel free to contact our team at

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Your Name  *
Your Email  *
Your Phone Number *
Panel Title (what appears on the schedule) *
Panel Description (what attendees see in the description) *
Have you ever hosted a panel before? *
If yes, what panels at what conventions?
How long would you like your event to be? 
Panels are typically 45 minutes, to allow time for change over between events; most panels will not be approved for longer than a single time slot. 
What is your first choice of time slot? *
What is your second choice of time slot? *
What category will your panel fall into? (Select all that apply)  *
What tags would you like to apply to your panel? 
Additional notes or questions for Anime Ink team about availability, or anything else we should know about your panel:
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