Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery Tour
Dates: Sunday, July 16 or Sunday, August 13, weather permitting
Time: 12 - 2 pm
Location: Gellert Garden at Radcliffe, 10 Garden St.

(Meet at the fountain near the corner of Garden St. and Appian Way, between First Church and Christ Church.)

Drawing from the work of the Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery Initiative, this six-stop tour engages with the local geography of African and Indigenous enslavement in words, silence, and stillness. Join us as we learn about those who were wrongly oppressed, enslaved, and buried here, but whose dignity and humanity we aim to acknowledge and honor during this exploration. 

Please wear comfortable shoes, bring water and sunscreen. The tour covers 1.8 miles and is almost 2 hours. This tour will include members from local faith communities however all are welcome. 

Contact: Rev. Dan Smith at dsmith@firstchurchcambridge.org

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