GMP Glitched Mentor Tournament MENTOR Signup
Please fill out this form if you would like to enter the tournament as a MENTOR. All entrants will compete in a swiss bracket ending in an unmentored tiebreaker race if necessary. Swiss brackets will be seeded by the admin team, who will select runners based on suitibility.  More information:

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Please list your gamertag as it will appear on restreams and tournament documents. *
What is your discord tag? Please include your name and 4-digit number (ie. Gamer#1337) *
What is your Twitch tag? *
Have you completed an OWG or HMG seed?
What is your level of glitched randomizer experience? There will be a period before the tournament begins where mentors can get up to speed.
What times and days of the week are you typically available to mentor?
How many races do you plan to mentor per week, maximum? If you're here to only mentor a specific person, please say so here.
What is your time zone? *
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