Safe Streamer Application
This application is required to be listed on This application does not guaranty you are added to the site. Our team will go over your application and view your streams to see if you fit what we deem as Safe. is for Christian Family Friendly Streamers. (To be a part of the team/roster you are required to join the SafeStreamers Discord)  
***After we receive your application one of our team members will go over it and start researching your content. After this you will be contacted for an interview.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Do you provide Family Friendly/Christian Content?
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Does your life model the life of Christ?
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Name *
Email *
Stream URL *
Discord ID
Did you join the Discord?
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Target Audience *
Games You Play *
Tell us about yourself & why you create content (This can be used in your bio too) *
Do you play in open lobbies where foul language might be heard?
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Do you play M rated games?
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List your social links you want on the site
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