Help Network Business Club & Serendipity Marketplace Membership Form.
This form is the first stage in the process where persons can express interest in being a part of the Help Network Serendipity Group.

Meetings will be held after signing up to give more details about the process.

Final agreements and commitments will be in place when contracts are signed.
First Name: *
Surname: *
Business Name: *
Personal Contact Number
Business Contact Number
Business Email address: *
Business Address: *
Which stage is your business at? *
Are you providing a product or service or both? *
If offering a service, what type of service will you be offering?List services and price point per service. *
If supplying products, what products will you provide? list products and prices. *
Will you need cold storage? *
Are there any special requirements for your products or services. *
What is your projected weekly income to be earned? *
Any additional information: *
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