Sign up for the VFX Speaker Series
Internationally acclaimed VES artists and professionals will speak about their work and different career pathways in visual effects. The series will be streamed live on the second and final Tuesday of each month at 2pm. Students will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers through a facilitated Q&A session. Teachers who register will receive information about each speaker and material to share with their classes prior to the events. Sign up to receive the webinar and related lessons for each speaker. 
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AVG Pre-Apprenticeship Speaker Series Signup Form
December 12, 2023 at 10 AM (PST)
by DreamWorks AnimationUntitled Title
Home to some of the world’s most beloved franchises including ShrekMadagascarKung Fu PandaTrollsThe Boss BabyThe Croods and How to Train Your Dragon, DreamWorks Animation creates award-winning films for a global audience. Dedicated to helping families dream and laugh together, DreamWorks’ incredible cast of artists, storytellers, engineers and innovators have created 36 breathtaking animated feature films in the last 25 years.

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