Connections 2021 Game Playthrough and Demonstration Host Registration
Registration form for anyone hosting a game playthrough and/or game demonstration during Connections 2021 22-25 June. Please complete a separate form for each game or demonstration.

Connections staff will post a list of all games and demonstrations using the event information you provide. If you want to participants to contact you to reserve a seat and/or coordinate technical details, please indicate on the form and we will post the e-mail address you specify.

Please schedule your events outside of the conference's core hours (1000-1600 US Eastern Daylight Time) 22-25 June.

We will NOT post your first or last name or anything entered in other comments.

For questions, please e-mail
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Your first name (will not be listed on website) *
Your last name (will not be listed on website) *
Do you want to provide your e-mail address so that participants can register or contact you in advance for your event? (e.g. if you are running a game with limited seats) *
If you prefer to use a different e-mail address for the list posted on the Connections website, please provide here:
Are you a hosting a Game Playthrough or a Demonstration? Select "Game Playthrough" only if your plan is to play through a complete game with conference participants. *
Name of Game or Demonstration *
Description of Game or Demonstration *
Preferred Date for Demonstration (please use the date in US Eastern Daylight Time if different from local date) *
Preferred Time for Demonstration (please provide in US Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)). Please schedule outside of conference core hours of 1000-1500 EDT. *
Platform for Game Play or Demonstration (e.g. Discord, Steam, Vassal, Zoom) *
Platform for Audio/Voice (if different than game play or demonstration platform) *
Maximum number of players or participants (if applicable) *
Minimum number of players or participants (if applicable) *
Any other comments on your game or demonstration?
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