MSI Storage Request Form for DCAN Shares
This form was created to make sure that DCAN Labs shares stay usable for current employees and also to ensure that others who wish to use our shares do so in a responsible way. Please submit this formĀ BEFORE running processing/analysis that you anticipate will take up more than 1 TB of space on tier 1
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Email *
What is the "title" of your project/processing/analysis (for quick reference)? *
Name of DCAN PI that you are working with on this project:
What is the current status of your analysis/processing? *
If you have already begun processing/analysis, how much space in TB are you using for this project and on which share?
If you have permission from DCAN leadership to use over 1 TB of space for this project, how much space (in TB) have you been allotted and on which share?
If there is a firm deadline by which you need results (eg conference, talk, etc), when do you need results?
How much space is required for inputs (in TB)?
Where are the current input files housed (what share)?
How much space is needed for intermediate files (in TB)?
Are intermediate files removed at the end or in the middle of the processing job?
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How much space is needed for output files (in TB)?
How many files will be put onto the share (including input, intermediate, and output)?
Where are the outputs going to be stored?
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Is this a group analysis or individual analysis?
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If group analysis, what files do you need?
Has the codebase that you will be using been de-bugged?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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