2022 Stanford Cleantech Challenge Registration Form
More information at www.stanford-clean-tech.com

Please tell us about yourself so we can get you registered for the CleanTech Challenge.
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Email *
What your name? *
What is the name of the school you're currently attending? *
Will you register for the Cleantech Challenge individually or with a team? (if you register individually, we will place you in a team) *
How many other people are you planning to register with? *
Who are your other teammates? *
Please enter the first and last names of your teammates. Also, please make sure your teammates fill out this form! (type n/a if this question doesn't apply to you)
Which challenge are you (and your team interested in addressing?
Clear selection
What academic interests do you have? Feel free to list as many as you like!
What are your strongest skills/relevant background? (ex. coding languages, business experience, past research) *
Clear form
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