Day-Long Buddhist Retreat 
When:  September 22th
Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm 
Cost: Free
Language: English
Where: ​Buddha Meditation Center GTA -
              11175 Kennedy Rd. Markham L6C 1P2
               (1 km north of Elgin mills road)

Join us for a day of learning and practicing the Buddha's teachings. This event includes Dhamma talks, meditation and observing Eight Precepts. We are happy to provide participants with the lunch time-meal (11 am to 12:30 pm).It will be mostly vegetarian. If you are a strict vegetarian or have other dietary limitations, we suggest that you bring food that you are comfortable eating.

​If you are new to Buddhist retreats, that is not a problem. There are many volunteers to help you.
You can wear anything that is comfortable. Some people like to wear white, but this is totally optional. Feel free to come as you are.

We will have cushions and chairs to sit on, but if you have a cushion and a mat, please bring them along. Most of the floor is carpeted, but some areas are uncarpeted.

Never been to one of our retreats before? Find out what to expect. Nervous about being in a big group? Read some tips we have for folks with social anxiety.

​​The Buddha encouraged his disciples to follow extra training rules known as the Eight Precepts as often as they could. Also, Supreme Buddha taught to follow the five precepts every day to collect good kamma (karma).

For more information: Click Here
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Note: Everyone with an interest is welcome to attend. We just want to get a sense of who is in the class so we can make it more beneficial to everyone  
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