Illuminate Bermondsey & Rotherhithe Feedback
Please help us improve by giving us your feedback. This information also helps us get funding for our events. This information is recorded anonymously.
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Which events did you attend so far?
Does Illuminate Bermondsey make you feel part of the community?
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Where do you live?
What did you like best at today's event?
Was there anything you didn't like or would change?
Would you come again?
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What age group do you belong to? 
How many children under 16 in your party?
or more
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What is your ethnic group?
Do you consider yourself disabled?
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What is your gender?
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Do you have any other comments? 
This form is submitted anonymously, we don't collect any data that will be used to identify you personally.  We use Google to store the data collected from this form. We use this information to feedback to our  partners and funders. It helps us to improve and helps prove to funders we are worth supporting. Please email if you have any questions or requests.
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