Water Drop LA Volunteer Registration
If you encounter any errors with this form, please take a screenshot and contact volunteer@waterdropla.org!
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First Name *
1 point
Last Name *
1 point
1 point
Clear selection
1 point
Email *
1 point
Phone number *
1 point
Do you consent to the use of your information to create an event GroupMe to allow for efficient volunteer communication? *
1 point
Which Water Drop would you like to sign up for? *
If a date isn't shown below, we are either at capacity already or the date is more than 3 weeks in the future. Please do not sign up for any date other than those you'd like to volunteer on. If you have questions, please email volunteer@waterdropla.org
1 point
Have you volunteered with us before? *
1 point
I confirm I have completed my liability release waiver *
Here's the link if you haven't!
1 point
Do you have a vehicle you'd be willing to drive and use for carpool for the Drop ? *
1 point
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